Monday, December 21, 2009

Hotel Decameron

When you are looking for an idyllic holiday in Panama you are sure to find the Hotel Decameron high on the places to stay. Most visitors to this wonderful resort swear by it and return to it time and again. What is it that makes the hotel so special and like able? There are many reasons; lets discover some of the most important ones.

Beautiful Location: The Hotel Decameron is located on the Pacific coast of the country and is just about two hours away from the capital of the country, Panama City. You can in fact come directly to the hotel after you have arrived at the Tocumen International Airport and begin your holiday in style. The hotel sits atop a hill and offers spectacular views of the ocean. It has about 2km of pristine white beaches that are a delight to be on and a host of facilities that make a visit here truly enjoyable. The hotel is landscaped perfectly and is a delight to explore and discover. If you rather not walk up and down the paths, there are motorized carts that can transport you from one part of the hotel to another.
Source: Free Articles from


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